The last two buttons determine the level/cutscene ID Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, ?, ? The total collected gems to 20,000 and the total eggs collected to 154 (which displays as 150) Sets all level gem and egg counts to their maxima, 1 = Triangle | 0 = O | 1 = X | 2 = Square A lower number means an easier difficulty.
The last button determines the difficulty mode. Left, Right, Square, O, Square, Right, Left, ? A lower number means an higher difficulty.ģ0 (easy) = O | 0 (normal) = X | -40 (hard) = Square O, Square, Right, Left, Right, Square, O, ? Left, Right, Left, Right, L2, R2, L2, R2, Square Square, Up, Square, Down, Square, Left, Square, Right, O Red = O | Blue = X | Pink = Square | Green = Triangle | Black = Down | Yellow = Up Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, ? Square, Square, O, O, Square, Square, O, O All of these can be enabled by inputting the following codes in pause menu. Like the final release, a number of cheats are present in this version, but they differ dramatically from the final game and generally exhibit more debug / QA-like features. Game contains dongle protection: Patched.Game is emulatable: Yes (as of April 17, 2021).
The memory card containing the dongle has to be inserted into Slot 2. In lieu of patching, a memory card card file containing the dongle save can be downloaded in mcd format here or in raw format here. However, patching the dongle will result in the game's anti-crack protection being triggered. The dongle protection can be bypassed using the included patch, or by setting the int at address 0x80078CD0 to zero. The game will reach the Universal logo screen before halting. Dongle protection is present in this build, which can stop the game from running on real hardware and certain emulators. There are a number of glitches present that were fixed before the final release. A number of sound effects are still missing throughout the game. Two levels have slightly stricter egg requirements. The Atlas lists Super Bonus Round as having 6 eggs instead of 1. The final egg is named "Zan Jayna" as opposed to "Yin Yang". Bianca is absent from the final Sorceress battle, and defeating the Sorceress does not play the credits.
A number of cutscenes have minor audiovisual differences when compared to their final counterparts. This build string may thus be left over from a slightly earlier version. The string - SPYRO_3(pal)-v.9.4 - claims the build to be a PAL version, when it's actually NTSC-U. A similar string is also seen in the game's demos. However, there is a build string in the save file information which indicates a build date of September 4th, 2000. Like the first revision of the final game, the file dates do not reflect when the game was actually built. An NTSC-U review build dated about 10 days before the final.